• No Boss Youtube
    Demo of custom video for Joomla


Amazing youtube theme

The spectacle before us was indeed sublime.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent fringilla molestie fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam et feugiat enim.

Watch this awesome video!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit tincidunt magna cursus.


Video with text


Praesent in pulvinar dui

In lorem risus, congue in hendrerit id, vehicula ut ipsum. Donec vehicula nunc eget augue malesuada, sit amet mattis turpis vehicula. Praesent in pulvinar dui, eu tincidunt justo. In lorem risus, congue in hendrerit id, vehicula ut ipsum. Donec vehicula nunc eget augue malesuada, sit amet mattis turpis vehicula. Praesent in pulvinar dui, eu tincidunt justo.


Praesent in pulvinar dui

In lorem risus, congue in hendrerit id, vehicula ut ipsum. Donec vehicula nunc eget augue malesuada, sit amet mattis turpis vehicula. Praesent in pulvinar dui, eu tincidunt justo. In lorem risus, congue in hendrerit id, vehicula ut ipsum. Donec vehicula nunc eget augue malesuada, sit amet mattis turpis vehicula. Praesent in pulvinar dui, eu tincidunt justo.

See also the administrative area

Compatibility with Joomla 3.9, 4 and 5

The same installation you purchase will be compatible with Joomla 3.9, Joomla 4 and Joomla 5.


Choose the plan that best suits you. If you regret your purchase, you will have 14 days to request a full refund of the amount paid.



Available layouts:
6 layouts
Features not included:
• Custom CSS and Javascripts
• Embed feature
Authorized sites for update and support:
Only one website
Period of access to updates:
1 months
Period of access to ready-made layouts:
1 months
Access to technical support team:
Not included
Service response time:
Not included
Discount on plan renewal:


$ 7.75

$ 6.20

Single payment

Available layouts:
6 layouts
Features not included:
• embed feature
Authorized sites for update and support:
Only one website
Period of access to updates:
6 months
Period of access to ready-made layouts:
6 months
Access to technical support team:
6 months
Service response time:
72 hours
Discount on plan renewal:

Unlimited Websites

$ 12.88

$ 10.30

Single payment

Available layouts:
6 layouts
Features not included:
Has no resource limitations
Authorized sites for update and support:
Period of access to updates:
12 months
Period of access to ready-made layouts:
Access to technical support team:
12 months
Service response time:
24 hours
Discount on plan renewal:
Available layouts
6 layouts
6 layouts
6 layouts
Features not included
• Custom CSS and Javascripts
• Embed feature
• embed feature
Has no resource limitations
Authorized sites for update and support
Only one website
Only one website
Period of access to updates
1 months
6 months
12 months
Period of access to ready-made layouts
1 months
6 months
Access to technical support team
Not included
6 months
12 months
Service response time
Not included
72 hours
24 hours
Discount on plan renewal