• No Boss Image Gallery
    Demo of image gallery for Joomla

Gallery with thumbs

Aliquam enim!

Maecenas commodo condimentum justo, et tempor erat faucibus eget metus. Nunc dapibus ipsum a risus eleifend, congue molestie velit interdum. Morbi ligula felis, egestas eu arcu et, gravida eleifend neque.

Gallery without thumbs

Gallery in grid with a line

Gallery Photos

Aliquam commodo non urna at vehicula. Quisque magna quam, tempus vitae condimentum ac, pretium non eros. Sed accumsan rhoncus nisi, quis pharetra tellus suscipit eu. In tortor nulla, volutpat sit amet neque ac, commodo porttitor felis. Sed vitae risus orci. Pellentesque in pellentesque lacus.

Mosaic of 5 images per column

Mosaic of 3 images per columna

Donec vehicula posuere

Sed accumsan rhoncus nisi, quis pharetra tellus suscipit eu. In tortor nulla, volutpat sit amet neque ac, commodo porttitor felis. Sed vitae risus orci. Pellentesque in pellentesque lacus.

Mosaic of 2 images per column

Suspendisse scelerisque laoreet lacus

Aliquam pharetra vitae ipsum sit amet sodales. Fusce dapibus feugiat lorem, in gravida mauris pharetra id. Donec eget orci dignissim, tempor massa ut, finibus odio. Vestibulum sed ligula eu magna lobortis convallis ultrices congue lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

See also the administrative area

Compatibility with Joomla 3.9, 4 and 5

The same installation you purchase will be compatible with Joomla 3.9, Joomla 4 and Joomla 5.

Prices and packages

Choose the plan that best suits you. If you regret your purchase, you will have 14 days to request a full refund of the amount paid.



Available layouts:
3 traditional layouts
Features not included:
• embed feature
Authorized sites for update and support:
Only one website
Period of access to updates:
1 months
Period of access to ready-made layouts:
1 months
Access to technical support team:
Not included
Service response time:
Not included
Discount on plan renewal:


$ 11.13

$ 8.90

Single payment

Available layouts:
7 layouts, including grid options
Features not included:
• embed feature
Authorized sites for update and support:
Only one website
Period of access to updates:
6 months
Period of access to ready-made layouts:
6 months
Access to technical support team:
Not included
Service response time:
Not included
Discount on plan renewal:

Unlimited Websites

$ 18.63

$ 14.90

Single payment

Available layouts:
7 layouts, including grid options
Features not included:
Has no resource limitations
Authorized sites for update and support:
Period of access to updates:
12 months
Period of access to ready-made layouts:
Access to technical support team:
12 months
Service response time:
24 hours
Discount on plan renewal:
Available layouts
3 traditional layouts
7 layouts, including grid options
7 layouts, including grid options
Features not included
• embed feature
• embed feature
Has no resource limitations
Authorized sites for update and support
Only one website
Only one website
Period of access to updates
1 months
6 months
12 months
Period of access to ready-made layouts
1 months
6 months
Access to technical support team
Not included
Not included
12 months
Service response time
Not included
Not included
24 hours
Discount on plan renewal